Zapraszamy Was do konkursu plastycznego z okazji zbliżającego się Dnia Mamy. Wykonajcie najpiękniejszą laurkę dla swojej mamy, możecie napisać też życzenia, które płyną z głębi waszego serca. Na kreatywne prace czekamy do 25 maja. Wyniki konkursu umieścimy na blogu świetlicy, a nagrody zostaną wręczone na zakończenie roku szkolnego. Powodzenia :)
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I'm an image title
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I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1
im. Ryszarda Knosały
w Olsztynie
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