Znacie przysłowie: w marcu jak w garncu? Pewnie tak. Za oknem jeszcze zimowe krajobrazy, ale w kalendarzu już wiosna. Żeby zawitała do nas na dobre, postanowiliśmy zasiać rzeżuchę, wykonać wiosenne dekoracje oraz świąteczne ozdoby wielkanocne. Oto nasze dzieła!
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I'm an image title
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I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.

I'm an image title
Describe your image here.
Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1
im. Ryszarda Knosały
w Olsztynie

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